Why You Should Get Tooth Implants Instead of Dentures?


Dental Implants

Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

So you have missing teeth and you are thinking of having the space filled. Some of the things that may be running through your mind may be how you are going to afford it and how you will take care of the alternative. Next, you may start thinking about tooth implants Sydney cost vs dentures. Now when you get to the issue of cost, you are likely to start leaning towards getting dentures since they are cheaper. But that is not the best idea.

If you have to choose between tooth implants Sydney and dentures, it is better to go with the implants and we will look at three reasons why.

Implants are Good for the Jawbone

Implants are made from titanium and driven into the jawbone — this is a good thing because it will protect the jawbone from deteriorating. Usually, when a tooth is removed, the jawbone will begin to shrink and that is going to affect the structure of your face. When you think of what would happen if you have more than one tooth missing and you replaced them with dentures, you might not like what you face would look like over time. It is actually possible to find affordable dental implants Sydney that would still provide the protection needed for the jaws.


If you were to compare the reviews from people who have dentures and those who have got implants, you will see that implants are more comfortable than dentures. When you wear dentures, you constantly are aware of their presence in your mouth. Implants, on the other hand, blend into their new environment and as time passes by you can even forget that you have implants as long as you take good care of them. The cost of dental implants ends up being worth it when you consider the long term comfort.

Care for Them

Another reason to choose implants over dentures is the fact that after the wound has healed, implants can be considered as one of your teeth. There is no special care needed apart from the usual oral hygiene. On the other hand, dentures would need special care, sometimes you need to remove them to be able to do certain things including when you are going to bed. Dentures also may need to be replaced eventually which would mean an added cost that can soon be just as expensive as implants but with more disadvantages.

At the end of it all, you need to think beyond price, that should not be a major factor in determining whether you should get dentures or implants. It is about what you want to be able to do and whether the option you choose will allow you to do that with ease.

Implants are the modern remedy for missing teeth and so they have more advantages than dentures. With the right insurance or payment plan, you can have implants and enjoy a comfortable nice smile.