Sticky candies and sweets Starchy foods that can get stuck in your mouth Carbonated soft drinks Lemons, citrus fruits and other acidic foods

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Dental implants in Sydney are the artificial teeth placed inside your jaw to replace missing teeth. These implants are suitable for patients with tooth decay, gum disease or other injury. Even though the success rate of these implants are high, taking proper care of these implants helps you to extend its lifetime to a greater […]

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The durability and its higher success rate makes dental implant in Sydney the most preferred option for replacing missing tooth. Moreover, these artificial roots look and feel more naturally and have a success rate of 98%. They are permanent and can last longer for more than 15 years or even for a lifetime. It has […]

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Dental implants are the most preferred technique world-wide to for replacing single missing teeth and supporting crowns. These implants are durable and long-lasting, and looks and feel like the natural teeth. Implant rejection occurs in rare cases and this can be avoided by following these preventative measures. Choose an experienced dental professional with specialisation in […]

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Dental implants in Sydney are considered as the effective solution for replacing missing or chipped teeth. Even though the success rate of these implants are close to 98%, some factors like peri-implant bone loss can lead to implant failure. Here are the top reasons that lead to dental implant failure, Infection in the implant area […]

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Yes, it’s important to consider a dental implant for missing tooth because it replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighbouring teeth. Other common dental treatments like tooth-supported fixed bridge require adjacent teeth be ground down to support the cemented bridge. Also, dental implant is more aesthetic and easier to clean than a […]

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Yes! Your diet should be restricted to soft foods for five to seven days after surgery. Do not disturb the surgical area or go in direct contact with the implants by taking in solid foods. Do not drink with a straw and avoid vigorous rinsing or spitting. Recommended food and drinks: Juice, water, milk, coffee, […]

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Of course, they are! With proper care, implants are very durable and will last many years. They are also much more comfortable and natural-looking than other solutions. Even if may cause a dent in your pocket in the beginning, you’ll get your money’s worth in the long run.

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Compared to other forms of dental surgeries that come with great discomfort, the pain of dental implants is minimal, and the results are well worth the recovery process. Dental implant procedure in Sydney can be done with either local or general anaesthesia, the procedure itself is not painful. If you are more concerned about the […]

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Depending on the quality of the patient’s bone, the recovery time for dental implant varies from individual to individuals. In general, dental implants require two to four months for the bone to heal but it can be extended in cases where performing adjunctive procedures is necessary.

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