Does getting dental implant changes my eating habits?

Yes! Your diet should be restricted to soft foods for five to seven days after surgery. Do not disturb the surgical area or go in direct contact with the implants by taking in solid foods. Do not drink with a straw and avoid vigorous rinsing or spitting. Recommended food and drinks:

  • Juice, water, milk, coffee, tea.
  • Cooked cereals, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat, yogurt.
  • Scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, apple sauce.
  • Home cooked broth, bouillon, soups.
  • Ground beef, baked or broiled fish, broiled or stewed chicken (finely chopped).
  • Macaroni and cheese, soft bread, baked or mashed potatoes.
  • Jell-O, puddings, pound cake, milkshakes, ice cream.

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