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A dental implant is a prosthetic used by dentists to replace missing teeth. Implants are small titanium posts that dentists place in your jawbone and then attach the following to:
- A fixed bridge
- A crown
- A complete denture
- A partial denture
After the dental implant has fully integrated with your bone, the dentist will attach an abutment to the implant, which will be utilised to attach the replacement tooth or teeth. If your natural teeth roots won’t allow it or your dentures don’t fit properly, dental implant surgery can be used as an alternative to bridgework.
The type of dental implant Sydney and the quality of your jawbone determine how your dentist performs dental implant surgery. Several treatments may be required for dental implant surgery. The main benefit of implants is that they give a strong foundation for your new teeth. This necessitates that your bone heals securely around your implant. Because your bones require time to recover, the full procedure can take many months.
How long does it take to have a dental implant?
If you’re considering dental implant Sydney, you should have a rough idea of how long the procedure will take before you schedule it. The time it takes for the full dental implant surgery to move from your initial consultation through your procedure to your healing and recuperation is vary, as it is with other operations. It depends on the type of operation you need, your overall dental health, and if you’ll need tooth extractions or grafts.
The following is a general timeframe for dental implant surgery:
It’s possible that your consultation will go anything from 45 minutes to an hour. It allows you to discuss your alternatives with your dentist, ask questions about the forthcoming treatment, and determine whether implants are a good fit for you. The dentist will inquire about your general health and discuss your specific dental requirements with you. A 3D CT scan may be used to determine if you’re a good candidate for the operation and to create a treatment plan for you. You dentist will also discuss about the dental implant price in Sydney during this initial consultation.
If you and your dentist agree to proceed with the treatment plan after your initial appointment, they will take impressions of your jaw and teeth. This usually occurs a week or two after your consultation. You can also discuss what to expect after dental implant surgery at this time.
While not all cases necessitate tooth extraction, you may require one or more. If any teeth need to be extracted, the dentist will inform you. This section of the procedure may differ on its own. If your bone is healthy, you may be able to have your implant placed the same day your original tooth is extracted. However, this isn’t always the case for people who have an illness or are losing bone mass. If this is the case, bone grafting may be necessary. Also, the dental implants cost in Sydney will vary based on the procedure performed.
Implant surgery
Your dental implant operation will be scheduled once the dentist has completed the above preparations. The dentist places your implants into your bone during the procedure. They’ll either immerse or not submerge the implant in your gum, depending on what’s best for you.